Wednesday, May 6, 2015

New kid on the block

It's interesting how the influence and encouragement of others makes us do things.. here I am writing this second entry to my début after...6 years..! oh my..! Has it been that long..?

I was following the FB comments on my bff's post and got caught up with the excitement of reviving their blogs... hmm.. perhaps its time for me to join the crowd.. though I really wouldn't know if anyone would want to read my blog.

'Happiness is a choice' has been my mantra for a long time. Although we live in a pretty negative world (do you see many good happy news ?), I believe there is always something to be happy and grateful for. Thus the theme of my blog.. and I hope to share bits of happiness in my blog.

Can't write long now.. but will be back soon.. very soon.. not another posting in 6 years time..!

Till then.. Choose to be Happy..!

1 comment:

  1. Happiness is a Choice...yes indeed!!
    Keep the postings coming - updates, lunch break goss, travel stories - blog them all :)
