'Well Mak, you have less than a day to fulfill your resolution..' that's the reminder I just heard from my blogger daughter. She asked me on New Year 2009 day what are some of my resolutions. Most is the normal.. I need to lose weight, exercise more etc etc and then she said.. Why don't you start a blog ?
and I thought .. why not ?
Days and months past.. work caught up with me (excuse no. 1) study struggles especially with multiple assignments (excuse no.2).. I have no maid !! (excuse no. 3) ... What would I write on ?? (excuse no. 4)
I did not 'cancel' my resolution, but kept putting it off.. till now... If don't do it now, I never will.. maybe it would appear in 2010 resolutions and 2011 and 2012
So here I am.. starting a blog.. about what I really believe in and need to keep reminding myself........ 'Happiness is a choice'